Tame the AI Chat Chaos

Organize Chat GPT Conversations into custom folders.

30% off for the first 100 customers (7 left)

32 AI Guru's are loving it!

Chat's from the past are difficult to find

Scroll and Click doom to find a chat from 1 year ago...


Scroll and click, scroll and click


15 mins to find 1 chat


Never try again

All you need to organise your chat historyand never miss a message

  • Create custom folders for different topics, projects, or AI models.
  • Drag and drop your chats into the appropriate folders for easy access.
  • Sync your conversation history with Chat GPT.
  • Search through chat history, colour coded folders, nested folders, share your chat history and more. Stay tuned!
Cleanest AI screenshot

Get the extension

Say goodbye to endlessly scrolling through your chat history!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • You get access to the Chrome extension. Install the Chrome extension and you will be able to use it.
  • Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out by email.

  • Cool, contact us by email cleanestai@gmail.com

Install the Chrome extension now!

Don't waste time scrolling and clicking to find your past AI conversations...